Non-Maternal Instincts

I was so desperate that I didn't foresee the aftermath.
Of course he was happy, so I accomplished my goal.
Yet the mess and clean-up that followed sent me right back over the edge.
But when two babies are screaming and the dog just puked up a sock, momma will do anything to bring peace.
And let's face it, chocolate is peace.
Having spent two years studying childhood development, specifically the personal, social, emotional, and academic development of children, I became quite disgusted with parents who overbearingly forced their children to be (or to not be) a certain way. For instance, the mom who shows up at school in hysterics when her daughter doesn't make the cheer squad in seventh grade. Yeah, it sucks and it hurts, but seriously lady, who wants this more? You or your working-on-building-self-esteem, yes-I'm-going-through-my-awkward-stage pre-teen? Dude, just give her a hug, let her shed a few tears on your shoulder, and help her move on. Don't make it worse.
I wrote this post yesterday afternoon.
I screamed this morning.
You know you have a toddler when . . .
Originally posted in January, 2009
I had an epiphany this week.
If you have ever been pregnant, or hormonal, or menstrual, or, well, just a girl, then you know what it's like to crave potato chips. I don't know any girl who doesn't like potato chips. And if you are a girl and you don't like them, then you are probably really a man.